Introducing OMGeek Designs!

Introducing OMGeek Designs!

So hey, I’m Fern – the creative nerdy fangirl behind OMGeek Designs– and I wanted to introduce this quirky little art studio to you!

I’ve been told that my interests are “childish” or “immature”, and that I need to “grow up and find hobbies for adults.” I’m not quite sure what that means, but I shrugged it off and kept on loving what I love.

Don’t you love when other people try to tell you how to live your life? Like maybe you should find another hobby. But I digress… I often digress…

My response to all that nonsense is that it doesn’t have to be childish or immature to be a fan, to be part of a fandom… you can enjoy and love your fandom as an adult.

In fact, you can even show off your fandom in your very adult home, in very mature ways.

This is where I come in, and how I discovered my ‘why’.

A little origin story

I am an artist. Well, not by profession – in the beginning, anyway. But I have always had a natural talent for painting, drawing, design, and sewing. I just love creating things. In fact, I design and create cosplays for our annual conventions. I even started selling props and accessories on Etsy when someone at a convention asked me if I made and sold my own cosplay props. When people actually purchased my handmade props, I thought, ‘huh, there’s something to this!’

Even further back

When hubs and I got married, we decided to decorate our home to represent us and what we loved. Instead of hiding our collections and interests upstairs in a tucked away corner bookshelf, we found ways to display our hobbies while maintaining our ‘adult status’… lol Needless to say, even our parents think our home is great.

But this was when I realized that we could absolutely mix our hobbies with our everyday lives. Because this is who we are and what we love. And why shouldn’t we showcase what we love like everyone else?

So then OMGeek was born

Well…that’s the artist montage version. It actually took a few more years after our home was just how we liked it for me to realize that I could create art that was inspired by our fandoms and use that art to decorate – even wear. Well, when we aren’t wearing TeeTurtle, that is!

It took 2020 and the near-Apocalypse…

Cons were canceled. Hope diminished for geeks everywhere as we realized that we had no conventions to plan, and therefore no cosplays to create. Motivation decreased and we were in a dark place.

Okay, slight exaggeration. If you’ve ever met an introverted nerd, then you know we can very well entertain ourselves – especially during a Quarantine! And we found ways to make it work, even in quarantine lol.

No disrespect to those who actually had the worst of it during that time…

But this is where my idea started to really bloom, and for me to take myself seriously and craft my business.

Why the name OMGeek?

I don’t know about you guys, but when I see something I love – say, anything Ahsoka Tano from Star Wars – I usually gasp out in recognition and the need to obtain whatever it is I see. This is called “geeking out“, and where others will often exclaim “oh my god” I prefer to say, “oh my geek, look at that!“…or “oh my geek, I need that in my collection immediately!” I am pretty sure that others geek out just like this when they see the latest collectible being sold online, or an awesome print in person.

OMG is short for oh my geek, and I thought a play on that exclamation would be perfect for geeks just like me: “Oh my geek!” This is how OMGeek was born.

And what is OMGeek?

Well, it's that feeling of nostalgia when you look at one of my designs that comes right before the gasp and exclamation: ‘omg! I see what she did!’, or ‘I love that show!’. It’s recognition and appreciation for the fandom and the design.

The Pitch

You know how once you become an adult it’s taboo to be part of a fandom?

What I Do: I design beautiful artwork and create original content inspired by your favorite fandoms – pieces you can use in your decor and that you can wear to show off what you love without feeling ‘childish.’

In fact… I’ve found that we love what we love – things with our favorite characters, shows, and quotes – especially if it brings us nostalgic joy and happiness. Our fandoms take us away from reality, if for just a little while. We will buy items that remind us of the joy we feel when we’re enjoying those things we love.

OMGeek! Designs is a boutique design studio specializing in beautiful designs and illustrations for the fan in all of us. I want my art to bring back feelings of fun and nostalgia when you recognize your favorite fandom. I want you to see my patterns, designs, and artwork in your home, as part of your decor.

While my designs are subtle pieces inspired by the fandoms we love, they will be obvious to you. You will know what the designs represent, while, to others, they will look like intentional decor pieces used in your apartment, house, or even your office space. It won’t scream ‘comic book nerd!’ (unless you want it to, that is).

‘If you know, you know.’ It’s one of the best parts of geekdom!

OMGeek Designs represents that geek aesthetic for people with mature sensibilities. The ‘geek-out for grown-ups’, if you will.

Welcome to the fandom! I hope you stay a while.

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